What is Facial Reflexology?
Devised by Lone Sorensen, Face Reflexology combines three ancient therapies with modern science of neurology. It is the combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine, South American Zone Therapy, Vietnamese face maps & points and our most current knowledge of neuro-anatomy.
Most of us experience stress in varying levels on a day-to-day basis. Stress is not good for the health because it makes our muscles tense and bunch up, causing pain. Also, it makes the organs of our body function under duress. That is never good.
Our face contains numerous nerves and blood vessels. It’s close proximity to the brain insures facial stimulation as the shortest pathway to the brain center, offering an more efficient effect in balancing ones health concerns. The stimulation works through the Central Nervous System to specific organs and systems to regulate your blood, lymph, body functions and hormones.
This complementary therapy is designed to assess the underlying cause of the ones compromised health, yet also assist with the treatment of symptoms.
What is a treatment like?
The treatment is a gentle non-invasive therapy. A light oil is applied to the face to assist in the techniques. Client remains completely clothed at all times. Face Reflexology is deeply soothing. Often we don’t realize the tension and stress that our facial muscles are holding transmitting to our entire body. This tension is created by mundane activities: chewing, grinding teeth, tired or straining eyes, even laughing. Our faces are the first locations we exhibit our emotions or suppress them. With Face Reflexology, stimulation of the points and zones.
Who can benefit?
Face Reflexology may be used to assist in the treatment for specific conditions, to maintain ones health, or purely for facial rejuvenation and relaxation. As a complimentary therapy, Face Reflexology does not claim to cure but does greatly enhance and assist in the treatment of many conditions.
- Allergies
- Anxiety & Stress
- Arthritic Conditions
- Bells Palsy
- Depression
- Digestive Problems
- Insomnia
- Infertility
- Migraines
- Stroke Rehabilitation
and many more………